Threaded Feeling

Apathy, indifference, and lethargy consume our lives until nothing is left but dullness. Decisions and actions, as important or as minuscule as they may be, are usually driven by a tempestuous disinterest that courses through our very own veins. That monotonous reality is what my every waking second is desperately and tirelessly running away from. 

My soul was the first to discover that the only “thing” that would fill the vehement void in me, was passion. That arduous devotion is the sole benefactor to pleasing my heart’s wild thirst and my mind’s raging hunger for a divine direction. With such a busying society and eternally growing world around us, we are oftentimes compelled to take action or participate in situations with the delusive pretense of hopefully amounting to something when we get them done. But in the end, they mean nothing, and they total to nothing because we do them with insipidity and a lack of fervor. 

Out of such altering uncovering, came the mooniest of promises, which stated that my one craving that needs to be sufficed by everything I am a part of, by all that I do, is passion. If there is no spirited sentiment in me when completing an activity, or a wilding desire to achieve that objective, then it has no reason for it to be in my path. Dejectedly, my time is not immortal. I don’t, in fact, have all the time in the world. My future is not sworn into history, but my present is. Vehemently, for all the days that I continue to be gifted, I will weave love into it with memories that I create of everything that delightedly ignites me with passion. There is no space in my present for moments or pursuits that are born from anything but fondness. And for those ordinary activities or forced tasks, that are a vital part of my everyday life but that I usually do with not much consideration, I will strive to complete them with conscious content, especially if that means looking absurdly crazy when brushing my teeth with a huge smile covered with bubbling toothpaste and eyes dazzling from intent to get every individual tooth clean. 

This vow to myself has destined my life to be the continuous creation, and discoverer, of feverous devotion and tender affection for all that enters it. After all, “Why else are we here if not to live with unreasonable passion for things” (Butterflies Rising Poetry Blog).

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