Andrew López, Tenor Saxophonist

Among the musicians leaving the ANS Concert Band this year is Andrew López, a Senior who’s been playing tenor saxophone for nearly five years. Being asked about his experiences, he looks back on his years of performing alongside his bandmates, and shares how his passion for music has developed. How did you start playing music […]
Valeria Alfaro, Clarinetist and Drummer

Over the past years, ANS’ music department has seen several changes. One ever-changing aspect is that every year, the make-up of the ANS Concert Band changes, with veteran students graduating and new ones taking their seats—but each musician leaves a permanent mark, and leaves with something permanently marked within them. One of the current musicians […]
Late Morning Musings

Late Another lonely evening At the dining room table My cat’s sprawled on the table I can’t touch her though—she bites My coffee’s holding me in place A sip, a gulp, if I am able Bitter as bile down my throat That’s the first thing I’ve felt today Morning Again I wake up And find […]
新年快樂 (Happy New Year!)

On Tuesday, February 1st, ANS welcomed the Year of the Tiger with a high-spirited Chinese New Year celebration. This long-standing tradition at ANS—after a prolonged break from school events due to the pandemic—had a strong return, uniting the school with a beautiful exhibition of Chinese culture. The event was done safely, following social distancing regulations: […]
ANS Concert Band Year-End Performances

From late November to the first weeks of December, the ANS Concert Band delivered a series of concerts to various groups of ANS students. This is the first time the Concert Band has ever given performances in this way—with concerts delivered day after day, to different audiences, over the span of several weeks. The multitude […]
ANS Concert Band Performs Together Again

On Wednesday May 26, the ANS Concert Band performed for young students in the ANS Library. This performance was a significant one, as it was the first time in more than a year that the band was able to come together as a whole and perform in front of an audience. Since the beginning of […]
Rallies Call to Stop Asian Hate

In response to the recent rise in hate crimes targeting Asian people in the United States, there has been an increase in activism surrounding anti-Asian hate worldwide. This activism was encouraged by the U.S. protests following the Atlanta spa shootings on March 16th, in which a Georgia man went on a shooting spree and killed […]
In Remembrance of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

On September 18th, 2020, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away, leaving behind a world forever changed by her work. Ginsburg was appointed Supreme Court Justice (being the second woman to ever serve on the US Supreme Court) after a lifetime of struggles and achievements in the face of adversity, and fought against gender […]
The ANS Concert Band is Still Working Together, Even Outside the Classroom

The ANS Concert Band is dedicated to playing music together, even amidst the indefinite quarantine resulting from the spread of COVID-19. The band, lead by Mr. Spiro, is finding new and innovative ways to maintain the same quality of work as before, while following the necessary physical distancing measures. It’s safe to say that it […]
Valentine’s Day Concert

On February 14th, the ANS Concert Band hosted a Valentine’s Day themed concert. The event took place in the Centro Cultural Pablo Antonio Cuadra, and lasted approximately one hour. The group of performers consisted of the members of the Concert Band, as well as four additional singers. In contrast to the band’s previous events, this […]