Capitán Del Año

by Nicole Reyes S. Las nubes tapaban el sol, gotas de lluvia caían en su espalda. Se podía sentir la presión cuando comenzaba el juego. Los jugadores en posición, esperando ansiosamente el inicio del juego, cuando el árbitro suena el silbato, y salen todos corriendo. De repente, Juan Pablo Barrios, estudiante de décimo grado del […]
The Creation of “Paint”

Written by: Monica Molina & Marcela Colonel Mr. Miguel Aragón, ANS’ Algebra teacher, released his latest song “Paint” on August 26th. This is an incredible accomplishment that the ANS community is very proud of and everyone is listening to his song. Mr. Aragón became interested in music when he was just eighteen years old. Melodies […]
Welcome Message

Hello, Eye of the Tiger readers! My name is Mia Gutiérrez, and I am this year’s Editor-in-Chief! Currently, I am a sophomore in high school who holds a profound love for reading, writing, and journalism. This year, the newspaper is being revamped into becoming a primary source of communication for students, parents, and staff of […]