Picture Frame(d)

Such a pretty picture!  Why wouldn’t you want it framed? She painted over my face, where she added herself all over. I can’t help but wonder, as time does get older, why do you brush me over? Can’t you paint an original painting?  Why is her glare so berating? Pretty photo on the wall, why […]

Book Review: Wild Meat and the Bully Burgers: A Story of Exceeding Charm

Humor comes in many forms, but not all can be presented on a proper platter. It’s great to see authors that manage to incorporate humor into their work fused with many more elements for their audiences, and Lois-Ann Yamanaka, a third-generation Japanese American author, is no exception. Lois-Ann is the author of many novels, some […]

The Art of Debate

Debate. We see it all the time. We often take part in it. Whether it be formally in school and the political primary debates, or informally during lunch convos and disputes with siblings. Point is, debate is everywhere. And it’s an art. It is the creation and construction of logical arguments, the interaction between thinking […]